Belinda wiley

Why is that we expect our partner to feel like having sex at the same time we feel like it?

Why is that we expect our partner to feel like having sex at the same time we feel like it?

Why is it that you think you have a problem when your partner doesn’t want to have sex with you when you want it?

Why is that we expect our partner to feel like having sex at the same time we feel like it?

It is all wonderful information!

I hear the following often - 

We have different sex drives 

My libido is high and theirs is low and it has always been like this!  

She used to want it all the time and now she does not!

I will have sex any time but I have given up asking because I’m pretty sure the answer will be no!

She is too in her head and just doesn’t communicate so I am confused!

He annoys me as he always expects it!

Hey and all of the above is perfectly OK and…….

Try to remember let’s not make it about being Right or Wrong.  If you keep going down that road you will get nowhere!!

And there will be zero intimacy!

What to do about it?

Check in lovingly with each other and ask ‘When is a good time for us to be Intimate? If the answer is yes and you are moving forward wonderful!

If the answer is  ‘Hell No’, again this is wonderful information that you might be needing some assistance from a Coach to help you get to this place of being ready for Intimacy.

If you are moving forward schedule it in your calendars -  put in the actual date and time and allocate a length of time that works for you both, so you know you will not be disturbed!   (just like an important business meeting!)

Make the commitment

Then honour the commitment to each other

Please remember that Intimacy can be any of the following, and so much more - use your imagination! 

Honest loving communication 

Sharing verbally what you truly love about each other 

Sharing what turns you on

Sharing what you are feeling awkward or worried about around intimacy




Actual penetrative sexual play with some form of warm up 

Giving each other a massage either whole body or body parts ie cock or pussy

Oral sex given and received

Can you see a theme here? It is keeping it positive

I offer a 30 minute complimentary clarity call so you can see how I might support you to get to this place of Making Time for Intimacy with each other. Link to find a time is at the top of this page

Want my 2 fave practices for more turn-on in your relationship? 🔥

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